Wednesday, July 4, 2007


So orpierre and verdon were cool. ash n me, we climbed some rocks and ate some cheese. then i went to nice (dont rate it cos it was hot) i learned that an open gravelly drain will pass for a beach in this country. i watched a crap b grade tna movie set in cannes where this guy falls off a yacht and is stung to death by jelly fish, then the next day i went swimming at eze (near monaco) and go attacked by jellyfish (called madussa) that stung my neck arms and leg (welts r gone now) i had to navigate back 50m to shore thru a hord of the f*ckers and the whole time i was laughing cos i couldnt believe i was trapped in this french movie!!! now im in marseille eating a lot of cous cous for 5 euro in algerian restaurants and thinking about climbing the calanques but theyre shut cos of high wind and fire danger. ps im getting a bit sick of lugging climbing gear round on the off chance that ill find someone to clim with and im thinking seriously about plan b which involves posting my gear to lolita in paris buying an old purgeot 10 speed and hitting the road in my bikepants!

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